Friday, June 27, 2014


Of all the food allergies and sensitivities, I happen to have an issue with chocolate.

Sad, I know.  When I tell people about it I often get a response something along the lines of 'how can you live without chocolate'!  Honestly when it makes your stomach knot up it's quite easy to pass up a cookie, brownie, or a devilish piece of chocolate cake.  Still I have my moments, and I'd have to say warm chocolate chip cookies are probably the most tempting.

Chocolate chip, and oatmeal chocolate chip, brought to my work by a very nice friend.  My coworkers loved them.
Most of the time though I don't even think about it.  There are plenty of other perfectly bad for me things that I can eat without painful consequences.  Like sugar cookies and ice cream and donuts.  When I do think about it though, I can't help but notice that the worlds seems to be a little chocolate crazy.

As an example, take the cookies my friend brought for instance.  I've made my fair share of chocolate chip cookies (for other people of course), but when I think of oatmeal cookies, I think oatmeal raisin.  Not oatmeal chocolate chip.  Obviously the baker at the shoppe where my friend got the cookies from doesn't agree with me.

I also think that Ben & Jerry's could make a few more flavors of ice cream that don't feature some sort of chocolate in the mix, and I'd like to see more blondie recipes instead of another rich fudge brownie recipe.

Oh and if my friends could remember that I'm allergic to chocolate, and not tease me with the promise of cookies I can't eat... that would be nice.

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