Saturday, June 15, 2013

On the Subject of Towels

I'm writing this post a bit later than I wanted, but at last here it is.  My second public speaking online video; a recitation from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

I don't have too much to say about the assignment itself, except that this one was easier than the last one.

So Instead I'm going to talk about the book I'm reciting from.

The Hitchhiker's Guide the Galaxy is one of my favorite books.  I've read it many times and I'm prone to quoting from it on occasion.  If you haven't read it, you should consider doing so, especially if you are a Monty Python fan or enjoy British humor.  The author was British and he included a considerable amount of wit and word play in his books that give them a distinct feel.

Now that being said, a word of caution... Disney purchased the rights from Mr. Adams a while back, and after he had passed away they made a motion picture that was VERY loosely based on the story.  When I say loosely based, I mean they used the title, the names of some of the characters, and that's about it.  They then proceeded to ruin the story in a spectacularly Disney-fied fashion.

If you don't have time for the book, look for the BBC production which was produced in 1981.  Sure the monsters are rubber and the special effects are limited, but the acting is good and they got the story right!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Moar Zombies!: Review of the movie "Warm Bodies"

I rented the movie Warm Bodies which was released on DVD and Bluray today.

I have to say, this is one of the best book to movie translations I've ever watched.  Part of it has to be because the fact that the author was working with the director and producers on the movie. Hollywood is finally getting it... That we want to see the movie brought to life, not the directors 'artistic interpretation' of the story.

Either way, next to the Princess Bride this is the best book to movie I've ever watched.  I highly recommend both the book and the movie for your reading or viewing pleasure.

Truly the most remarkable thing about both the movie and the book is the most unique perspective on the zombie epidemic.  Many stories have contemplated how the plague begins, how it spreads, and how it destroys the world...but few authors have had the courage to think about how it all ends.

Warm Bodies takes us down that less traveled road, and with great success.  You'll find yourself rooting for R in this zom-rom/com.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

Alright, here it is, my first recorded speech.

I have to say it was an interesting process, and I've never recorded myself before.  Online personalities like Hannah Hart (My Drunk Kitchen) and Ray William Johnson (Equals Three) make it look really easy.  So easy, that I had considered starting my own vlog before to accompany this blog.

It was not as easy as they make it look.

Of course they have some advantages that I don't.  Better video equipment being the first thing that comes to mind.  I know they use video editing software, something that I have looked a bit into, but don't have experience with yet.  They have also done numerous videos.  I'm sure the more you record yourself, the easier it gets, just like anything else.  Lastly, and I think this was a big factor for me, they are recording what they want to record.  They aren't being guided by the requirements of an assignment. 

Now that I have completed one assignment and I know a bit more about the recording process, and how long it takes to upload a two minute video to YouTube, I think I'll do better on the next one.  I haven't looked to see what the topic of the speech is, but hopefully it will be something a bit easier than trying to come up with an object that I use to introduce myself.  Seriously, that took me almost a whole week of deep contemplation.

More videos to come in the near future.  Who knows; maybe once I get comfortable with the process, I'll even record something that isn't an assignment for fun.

Made With Love Means I Licked the Spoon and Kept Using It

I finally got around to making a GIF of the cake making process.  Featured below is the cake I made for my mom's birthday.  She requested red velvet.  Oh, and I didn't really lick the spoon.

Now normally I would not use a box mix, or canned frosting, but I was rather pressed for time and energy this week, so Duncan Hines had to substitute for my usual from scratch butter cream icing and fondant decorations.  It tasted pretty good, though I feel I could have done a better job with the decorating.  More than usual, I missed having my best friend, and assistant chef around.  She left last fall to go to college on the other side of the state.  I assure you, her icing skills are far superior to mine.

Someday, when I have more time and energy, I will make another GIF, or maybe even a video, showing how I make and decorate with rolled fondant.  It's much more complicated, but the results are often stunning!